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Loic Azlo / Anne Juren
an O / Magical

3178 Mal gesehen

Datum der Aufzeichnung: 16.10.2008

Ort: TQW / Halle G



an O


Concept, magic and performance: Loïc Azlo


an O by Loïc Azlo is the result of his work around the concept of infinity and timelessness. The magic here is not an end in itself, but is presented as a natural – and not magical – effect that stretches over the whole of the work. The French magician grants the spectacular no extra attention, but understands and deals with it far more as a matter of course. Following this world or magic view, Azlo has chosen the simplest and at the same time the most eternal form for his prize-winning work: the circle. One, two, three metal circles turn, fly and merge with each other. The impossible has become possible.






Concept, magic and performance: Anne Juren magic teacher: Loïc Azlo costumes: Valérie

scientific advice: Brigitte Felderer


In her new work, Magical, the Vienna-based choreographer Anne Juren goes in search of the relationship between choreography and magic. While the (body) movement is choreographically organised in time and space, the magic tricks used in the work rely on a limitation of reality and the gesture of magic. The simultaneous effect of magic and choreography leads to surprising turns: both possess the power of transformation (of the body) and metamorphosis (of the magic object). These transformations significantly affect the spectators and arouse in them the desire to see through the events on the stage. In the process they themselves become the object of a manipulation. Juren, the sorcerer’s apprentice of the "master magician" Loïc Azlo, starts from this moment of transformation and simultaneous manipulation of the audience. In addition, Juren devotes herself to the efficacy and secrets of the female body, and this in an enchantingly spectacular way.


Co-production: Les Subsistances Lyon and Tanzquartier Wien.

Supported by

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