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Christa.l Wall aka LA_X_FonTAEnI and accomplices
Mouth as wetland

923 Mal gesehen

Datum der Aufzeichnung: 02.06.2022

Ort: TQW Studios

Im Rahmen von: S_P_I_T_ Festival


„Rather a force than palace to be nTra-maze-oh We become witnesses of joyous celebrations of slimy confluences of becoming with. In a state of sliding over. Gliding through viscous networks of be(long)ing(s), squish along songs, flickering gleam, states of blur and waft and slippery oscillations. Lured by voices that invite us to dive into their gurgling shimmering leaking spaces and fluent narratives. Throaty tides emeshed in this wetland flow multivalently, multi voiced with various modulations and wicked pitches. The nTra-maze-oh of mouth as wetland is a sonic-fabulation that is vocalized by a sticky polyphony of (human and more than human) glitchy accomplices.“

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