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Nicholas Rowe
324 Mal gesehen
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Datum der Aufzeichnung: 13.01.2023
Ort: TQW Studios
Im Rahmen von: TQW Winter School
On 2 February 2021, Palestinian dancer Ata Khatab was abducted from his home by the Israeli military and subsequently interrogated, tortured and detained for 13 months in an Israeli political prison. Within this docu-dance film, Ata reflects on the relevance of artistic activism, dance and leadership within the context of the Israeli military occupation of Palestine. Directed and produced by Nicholas Rowe Featuring Ata Khatab, Sharaf Dar Zeid and dancers of El Funoun Popular Dance Troupe Music by Emile De La Rey
Dr Nicholas Rowe is a professor in Dance Studies at the University of Auckland and UNESCO Chair in Dance and Social Inclusion. A graduate of the Australian Ballet School and the London Contemporary Dance School, Nicholas has a PhD from the University of Kent at Canterbury. Nicholas choreographed and performed with The Finnish National Ballet, Australian Ballet, Sydney Dance Company, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Nomad Dance Theatre, Modern Dance Turkey and Ramallah Dance Theatre. He is an award-winning international filmmaker, directing the feature-length films The Secret World and Dancing7Cities. His books include Talking Dance: Contemporary Histories from the South China Sea (2015), Talking Dance: Contemporary Histories from the Southern Mediterranean (2014), Moving Oceans: Celebrating Dance in the South Pacific (2013), Raising dust: a cultural history of dance in Palestine (2010), and the performing arts workshop manual Art, during siege (2004). From 2000 to 2008, Professor Rowe resided in the Occupied Palestinian Territories working in refugee camps on dance projects with local artists, and he continues to maintain an active practice as a community dance animateur in diverse regions of the world.