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TQW Winter School 2024 Day 1

336 Mal gesehen

Datum der Aufzeichnung: 12.01.2024

Ort: TQW Studios

Im Rahmen von: TQW Winter School


Between festival and conference, experiment and discussion, theory and practice, the TQW Winter School of 2024, under the title Dance Class, devoted three days to classism in contemporary dance and performance art.
Classism adects who practices dance and who has access to training, career opportunities and networks. Classism adects what aesthetic criteria are used, what forms are represented on stages and what forms are absent. Classism adects how dance and performance practices are shared and with whom. Classism adects how we work, how precarity intersects with the socio-culturally legitimised work of the artist, which jobs are undervalued and invisibilised. Dance Class was an invitation to theorists, artists, curators, artist-researchers, activists, and audience members to navigate adective and pragmatic, strategic and radical, transformational and reformatory responses to classism in dance and performance.


Audio material collection, interviews, editing & production by: Jan Groos Programme curated by: Anna Leon
Voices heard in episode 1: Livia Kojo Alour, Katie Beswick, Hannes Bohne, Alice Baldock, Julischka Stengele, Trajche Janushev & Alina-Michelle Seiler (Red Edition), Anna Leon
Voices heard in episode 2: Josephine Findeisen, Ellen Jedrey, Anna Chwialkowska, Miriam Althammer, Myassa Kraitt, Anna Leon
Voices heard in episode 3: Tomislav Medak, Susie Crow, Elena Novakovits, Joyraj Bhattacharjee, Srabanti Bhattacherjee, Sandra Chatterjee, Arko Mukhaerjee, Anna Leon

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