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Helena Araújo
my gentle wild squirts

204 Mal gesehen

Datum der Aufzeichnung: 24.06.2023

Ort: TQW Studios

Im Rahmen von: S_P_I_T_ Day 3


You are invited to a strident cave where imagination flows like water. It gets yummy wet in all senses, and Helena Araújo explores the many voices that come through. my gentle wild squirts is a piece in which dance, theatre, poetry and performance merge. Inspired by the ideals of Radical Softness, Helena investigates its roots towards her own essence by singing and growling, offering an emotional feast which spills into a transformative and raw performance. Performance

Helena Araújo is an enthusiastic femme maker and performer, a lover of plot twists and a clown full of kitsch and bad jokes. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro and currently lives in Vienna. As a maker, Helena loves to give space for the imagination to flourish and the double meanings to arise. She is interested in leaving space for different artistic languages to coexist and blend together. In her performances, she tries to embody the political/theoretical/ poetic more than to use a didactical or academic discourse to show the nuances of different questions she explores. Helena’s works have been shown in various places such as Radiant Nights Festival (BE), Moving Futures Festival (NL), FDS Festival (CH), Zahrada Theatre (SK), Camden People’s Theatre (UK), Pinkbus Plataform (CZ), Paradise Cabaret (IE) and House of Circus – Cabaret Night (NL).


Performance, choreography Helena Araújo Goddxss Mzamo Nondlwana Sound designer Marnix von Edge Dramaturg Ana Rocha Artistic coach Lisa Reinheimer Lights Wout Hoste Co-produced by MakershuisTilburg Supported by MakershuisTilburg, DeNieuwe Vorst, DeSingel and De Markten Special thanks to Michiel Vandevelde, Anneke van der Linden, Robson Ledesma, Luiza Cascon, Evangelos Biskas, Eleni Ploumi, Elysia McMullen and Nick van der Heyden

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